Monday, June 20, 2016

Arrival at LRMC via Ramstein Airport (SPACE-A)

We are looking forward to your time here at LRMC.
Please take extra care to blend into your surroundings as much as possible with all the turbulence happening.  Specifically, make sure you do not travel in uniform.

The itinerary:

Arrival at Ramstein
•       Let me know where you are coming from and when your plane is scheduled to arrive.  I will let you know if I can meet you there and bring you to Landstuhl.  This is a 10 minute drive.

•       If I can't meet you then catch a Taxi or arrange with a shuttle they are at the "airport"

•      If you have been notified that there is space available in the apartment on post then:
DROP-OFF at bldg 3855 on Walter Reed Dr. You will need to enter through Gate 3.
Otherwise, please go straight to your accommodations.

Alex Airport Shuttle website: 

Regarding tips for the driver and restaurants, round up.  There is a not a percentage of tipping here although most German's have figured out that the Americans don't know any better and take advantage of it.  I would pay the set fee for the van and then offer a 2 euro tip (1 euro/bag) the 1 and 2 euro pieces are coins.
Weather wise; we are at the same latitude as Maine.  Also, bring something for wet weather, it rains a lot here and can go from sunny to downpour in minutes. (think Washington State)

What to expect on your inprocessing day:
        Go eat Breakfast
        08:15 - Meet me outside the DFAC in the hall
        08:30 @ Occupational Health - you will need cover as we must go outside
                      - have HARD copy of PPD (less than 12mos) / immunizations
        09:00 – Badge, Network access, orientation to the hospital
        11:00 - you should be finished.

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